Monday, August 10, 2009

A whole page just for one word: SORRY

sorry; 1_I bumped into you even though I saw you but I'm in a hurry.2_You bumped in me even though you saw me,so I say it for you.3_I bumped into you 'cause I was looking elsewhere,so what the fuck.4_I bumped you in purpose just for the feel of your tits,I play innocent.5_You bumped my girl friend,I punch your nose,you start pissing blood and fall down on your ass, I'm not sorry at all but I say it anyway.6_What you just said is wrong, I'm going to correct it,you're going to look stupid.7_You missed your train by a mere 25 seconds cause I took my time to issue your ticket,the next train is due in 3 hours but it will be 30 minutes late.8_Same thing for your plane except you'll have to take the next one tomorrow in the after noon .What time? Oh let me see; ah yes 5:41 pm, sorry.9_I thought it was the guy who's always make the wrong numbers when I'm under the shower, I said "You motherfucking cunt" before my boss could talk.10_".....but you'll have to come with me"He just caught you stealing in the supermarket".(You wanted to offer that beautiful bikini to your girl but it was too damned expensive).11_The plane is going down and will certainly crash,you say it to your seat neighboor who looks distressed.12_You stuck your dick in the wrong hole and she screamed in pain.(to be followed downward).


Blogger masterymistery said...

mmmm... temporarily speechless... interesting, different (which is always good), attention-grabbing

1:35 AM  

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