Tuesday, August 11, 2009

To Care

Care: 1_concern.
2_to tend to.
3_Doing what's needed for.
Take care: 4_No need to say, you always take care of yourself.
Take good care: 5_That's about someone else,property,family,kids and whatever.
Do care: 6_Generaly you don't.
Would you care: 7_It's something you hate; Work,homework,cleaning,washing dishes.
Some care: 8_Minimum caring.
Tender care: 9_Motherly caring or gentle and smooth fucking,eating pussy.
Careless: 10_Happy go lucky,don't give a damn,brutal anal fuck,forcing her to blow.
Care to: 11_ Don't forget or else.
Care of: 12_Her dad will throw it in the trash can.
Care about: 13_You shouldn't but you do.
Main care: 14_If you don't, it's gonna be your ass, man.
It' your care: 15_You fucked it up.
My care: 16_Not yours, keep yo' cotton pickin' hands out of it.
Did care: 17_Some date you couldn't forget; her husband was out of town.
He cared: 18_Would you believe it?
She cared: 19_So finaly you got to fuck her.
Don't care: 20_You don't give a shit.
Don't care(2) 21_You do, but you pretend you don't.
Don't care(3) 22_She fucked that other shit head, you pretend you had no sex desire for that
hot bitch.
Caring person: 23_Not you, you're talking about your stupid neighbor.
Caring attitude: 24_You must fake it to get her to go to bed with you.
Careless attitude: 25_You fake it 'cause you've guessed she wants to reform you,the price of
her success; A full night of savage screwing.
Don't you care: 26_Of course you don't,that's why he/she's asking you.
You musn't care: 27_It must be a good deal since they tell you not to pay attention to it.
Care not: 28_Same thing, except; It's a real cunt speaking.
You must care: 29_Shit no!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A whole page just for one word: SORRY

sorry; 1_I bumped into you even though I saw you but I'm in a hurry.2_You bumped in me even though you saw me,so I say it for you.3_I bumped into you 'cause I was looking elsewhere,so what the fuck.4_I bumped you in purpose just for the feel of your tits,I play innocent.5_You bumped my girl friend,I punch your nose,you start pissing blood and fall down on your ass, I'm not sorry at all but I say it anyway.6_What you just said is wrong, I'm going to correct it,you're going to look stupid.7_You missed your train by a mere 25 seconds cause I took my time to issue your ticket,the next train is due in 3 hours but it will be 30 minutes late.8_Same thing for your plane except you'll have to take the next one tomorrow in the after noon .What time? Oh let me see; ah yes 5:41 pm, sorry.9_I thought it was the guy who's always make the wrong numbers when I'm under the shower, I said "You motherfucking cunt" before my boss could talk.10_".....but you'll have to come with me"He just caught you stealing in the supermarket".(You wanted to offer that beautiful bikini to your girl but it was too damned expensive).11_The plane is going down and will certainly crash,you say it to your seat neighboor who looks distressed.12_You stuck your dick in the wrong hole and she screamed in pain.(to be followed downward).

Sorry: Part two

Sorry: 13_ In a dear john letter,she says she's sorry but it's john who really is.
14_The guy shows a full of aces by the kings, the pot is up to 460 000,you show him your 4 queens and you say "Sorry", he's sore indeed.
15_You show a full............................................he says it.
16_The theater's on fire,you let your girl run for herself,you smash an old lady on the head so you can pass by, you walk on two nuns,crush heads,in the stampede you knock two kids to the ground you keep running and repeat sorry,sorry,sorry............sorry.
17_You're living in your best friend's place, he's looking for his tush but you smoked it all while he was away.......you tell him_ sorry.
18_In court the judge ask you how you manage to kill 19 persons,rape all these young girls(37 or more) and rob 4 banks in only a week_You: " I'm sorry".
19_In a lift with 16 other persons you let out a gigantic fart ....sorry.
20_You go to the burial of your worst ennemy, the 26 year old widow looking something like center fold on playboy is in front of you ..... Ohhh I'm so sorry, can I do
anything that would ease your pain and lower: " Don't stay alone tonight,I can watch this evening with you"_"Why thank you, if it's not a bother I accept"_You step slowly away wondering if she'll give head while crying, you get a hard on, hiding it with a church book.